WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019, 7:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Pro-Tem Mayor Glenn Kuhnau, with the following council members present; Andrew Rasche, Danni Swanson and Carol Wagner. Others in attendance were Yolanda & Carlos Barahona, Police Chief Anthony Fauglid, John Haberman, Tamara Shelton and Stacy J. Grube.

Approval of Agenda
Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve the agenda with the additions of Liquor License approval and Info shared at Jackson County Library meeting. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes
Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Rasche, to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting of May 1, 2019, as presented. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Danielle Berg presented the 2018 Fund Financial Statements and a review of current revenue and expenses. Danielle found no concerns in the 2018 financials and stated that everything is well organized and documented thoroughly. Danielle requested that Council make a formal motion to release liquor store savings account from restrictions.
Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner to approve the 2018 Fund Financial Statements as presented. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson to release the liquor store savings account from restrictions. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Zoning Permit
Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Rasche to approve the zoning permit of Lois Rasche to build a deck with railing and steps at 322 Smith Avenue. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motioned carried.

Revolving Loan Fund
Council was informed that the RLF Advisory Board recommended that Council approve the modification to the loan with Plaza Grill to change payments from $264.95 per month to $700.00 per month.
Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner to approve modifying the agreement with Plaza Grill to change monthly payment amount to $700.00. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Industrial Water Supply & Distribution Agreements
Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson to approve sending Industrial Water Supply & Distribution Agreements as presented to MnSP and HLBE. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Southwest Minnesota Broadband Services
Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau reported that SMBS wants to pay off their loans with the City of Heron Lake and requested verification this is acceptable. There were no concerns noted, and no penalty for early pay off.

Ordinance – Sample Ordinance for wells
Council was presented with a sample ordinance prohibiting wells within City limits from the City Attorney. Discussion resulted in directing staff to contact City Attorney with verbiage concerns and additions.

Monthly reports were provided to Council. Public Works Director John Haberman reported continued manganese issues since the last flushing. Council stated that additional flushing of problem areas could be completed if necessary.

Public Works
John Haberman reported the following: 1) Trimble battery issues continue, staff was directed to purchase a converter; 2) Estimates for tree removal at Falcon Heights were reviewed and tabled until further information is available from Federated Rural Electric; 3) Storm water concerns were tabled; 4) Water run-off issue on 16th Street was discussed, staff was directed to speak to the homeowner; 5) Street work projects were tabled; 6) Council was questioned regarding spraying for mosquitos, Council declined; 7) Work continues with MnDOT regarding the Chapman tile.

Police Department
Chief Fauglid shared that May yielded 120 calls which included vandalism in the park. Chief Fauglid stated that he will continue to post MnDOT updates on the PD Facebook page and conducting enhanced patrols on Highway 60 during construction.

Fire Department
Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau, to approve the application of Jacob Burdick for the Heron Lake Fire Department. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Liquor License
Council Member Swanson moved, seconded by Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau to approve the Liquor License for Nena’s Bar & Grill. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Other Business – No action taken
Jackson County Veterans Service Officer was not in attendance to present to Council.
Tree Trimming – No community members who contacted City Office regarding their concerns of the bills they received for tree trimming were present to address Council. Council stated that all bills should be paid by homeowners.
Council Member Wagner encouraged City entities to careful if posting copies of checks returned for insufficient funds per discussion held at Jackson County Library Board meeting.

Council Member Swanson moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve payment of claims as presented, totaling $136,941.22. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays; Rasche, abstained. Motion carried.

Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau, to adjourn at 9:15 PM. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Submitted by: Stacy J. Grube, Clerk/Treasurer

Approved: 07/09/2019
Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson, Wagner