OCTOBER 4, 2023
7:00 PM
Ordinance 244 Reading
Council reviewed the ordinance, no comments from residents.
Hearing Closed
Attended by: Mayor Andrew Rasche, Council Member Glen Kuhnau, Council Member Zach Schumacher, Council Member Mark Haberman, Council Member Lance Baumann, Lois Ferguson, John Gideau, David Eurele Accountant, Ambulance Director Joe Liepold, Liquor Store Manager Bridgit Preston, Police Chief Tony Fauglid, Fire Chief Chad Diemer, John Haberman Public Works, and Marlys Olson Clerk.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rasche.
Additions to the agenda have been highlighted. Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to approve agenda with the additions. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Council Member Haberman. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Cellphone Tower
Southwest Broadband had visited the City Office and stated that they could put up some towers in the city park to help that area with wi-fi in the park but that will not help with the rest of the town. HLMLS has a petition for people to sign to send to the wireless phone companies to review.
Background Checks
We have our first employee from the liquor store going through the process that was set up. Paperwork returned. Process good.
Update with RFL’s
Ronald Bappoo has made a payment to make his loan current and has sent a check for the next three months to cover those payments.
The council reviewed the contract that was sent from AllPaid. Council did not see anything wrong with the contract. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to go ahead with AllPaid and sign contract. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Website Information
The council reviewed the information for Municipal Impact. John Gideau, who is also the mayor of Ceylon, MN, commented that Ceylon uses GoDaddy for their website and that it is easy to use and may be cheaper. Discussion tabled to check out Ceylon’s website and get more information on GoDaddy.
Earned Sick & Safe Time
Clerk is working with accountant yet. Clerk is also doing a webinar put on by Southwest Minnesota Small Business Development Center on Employment Law.
Council reviewed the request again for the return of VOTER funds to Jackson County for an amount of $61.47. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to return the money to Jackson County for their use in the upcoming elections. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Zoning Board Minutes
After further review of the City Zoning Ordinance, the council was made aware of a past addition about private garages as principle structure. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to accept the zoning variance for 204 16th Street contingent the lot purchase for $3000.00. Seconded by Council Member Haberman. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
David Eurele – Westberg Eischens
David Eurele was here to present the completed audit for the year 2022. He reviewed the audit. No real changes from last year. Everything has been sent into the Office of the State Auditor as needed.
Lois Ferguson – Utilities
Lois Ferguson was here to discuss her utilities when she is gone for the winter. She said that she has asked area cities what they do with the snowbird bills. Mayor Rasche explained that we just reviewed this ordinance a month ago. He said that we cannot at this time not charge for the utilities because those payments are paying off bonds that the city had to get to the water and sewer upgrades. He explained that other cities may have a lower rate, but they may not have the bonds to pay that we do. The only time that utilities are not charged is when there has not been any usage in the past twelve months.
John Gibeau – Heron Lake Carwash
John Gibeau is attending this council meeting to introduce himself. He said that back in June he had purchased the carwash from John & Jenny Hedquist. He wants to be part of the community with donations to functions, offer use of his building for more shelter is needed with winter storms and stranded people. He also has a food truck as another side gig along with selling insurance in Windom.
Ordinance 244
No other discussion with the third reading of Ordinance 244. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to approve of the changes made. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
MN Peip – Rates for 2023
Reviewed the increase in the rates for insurance that begins January of 2024. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to keep MN Peip as the city insurance coverage with the city paying for 50% of the highest level per employee. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion pass ed
Heron Lake Library Board
The council was presented with the minutes of the last meeting of the Library Board on September 14, 2023. The Library Board was requesting the council approve the two new board members of Melissa Stenzel and Makalya Edwards who will replace Kay Fury and Melissa Raverty as their terms expire This December. Motion made by Council Member Baumann to approve the two new board members. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed
Industrial Water Supply and Distribution Agreement
The council reviewed the numbers for this agreement for the end of this year. We will have to pay back the money to HLBE & MNSP as the agreement has set forth at the end of this year.
Resolution 2023-15 Accept Donations
Received two $500 donations for the Heron Lake Ambulance and the Heron Lake Fire Department from the HLBE Exchange Agent Trust. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to accept these donations for the Heron Lake Ambulance and the Heron Lake Fire Department. Seconded by Council Member Baumann. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed
Approve Cigarette & 3.2 Liquor License – Expressway
All the required paperwork and payments were reviewed by the council for the renewal of the cigarette and 3.2 liquor license for Expressway. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to approve the licenses for Expressway. Seconded by Council Member Baumann. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Bauman – aye. No Nays. Motion passed
Police & Fire State Aid Received
The council was presented with papers of the amounts that the Heron Lake Fire Department and the Heron Lake Police have received from the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Fire Department received $15839.36, and the Heron Lake Police Department received $9245.31.
Sink – The sink behind the bar is fully installed. The manager had a bid for a handwashing sink from an auction of a nearby restaurant in which she won with a bid of $53. Public Works came in to attach some glass board behind the sink behind the bar.
Paneling – Continued discussion on the paneling around the bar. Getting bids from Brewster Lumber. Deciding on whether to put on metal or wood. The manager is to talk with Kemo or Harold Grube to see on their availability to do this project.
8 ambulance calls in September. Went through the HL-O Homecoming Parade and have been at the two home football games.
Fire Safety & Prevention Week will be next week. Will have the kindergarten at the firehall.
September numbers presented
Has been continuing to monitor a water loss of 5.2 gallons/minute.
We pulled the well at HLBE today.
Streets – Streets are done.
Tree Trimming – AJ’s Tree Service will be here on Thursday or Friday to do the trimming of all trees along the streets and sidewalks.
Falcon Heights #528 – Have been having issues with the air conditioner since Spring. Received a quote from Brewster Heating and Cooling for replacing the whole furnace and air conditioner at $9500. An air conditioner only would be $4800. Did also receive a verbal quote of $3800.00 from Jay Stammer. Will be getting a quote from Schwalbach’s for furnace and air conditioner replacement through out the apartments.
Public Works was questioning the defunct property on 10th Street NW. Need to talk with Chief Fauglid.
Monthly Report – received a report on the calls since the last council meeting.
Ordinance 180 Revision – Chief Fauglid has been working on the wording for repealing Ordinance 180. Council reviewed. Will start the process for the changing of this ordinance.
Jackson County Report – Report reviewed from the Jackson County Sheriff.
Next meeting November 1, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
Large Item Garbage Pick-up October 11th
Red Rock Rural Water System – Increase of 40¢ per thousand gallons used plus a $2.50 Minimum Monthly Charge fee will begin January 1, 2024. Discussion on having to increase our water rates in January 2024, also.
Motion made by Mayor Rasche to pay claims presented. Seconded by Council Member Baumann. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman & Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Motion made by Mayor Rasche to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman & Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Submitted by: ___________________________
Approved: __________________
Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann