The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Rasche, with the following council members present; Glenn Kuhnau, Zach Schumacher, Danni Swanson, and Carol Wagner.
Others in attendance were Joe Liepold, Police Chief Tony Fauglid, John Haberman, Tamara Shelton, and Stacy J. Grube.
Approval of Agenda
Council Member Swanson moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve the agenda with the addition of laptop computer quotes and lawful gambling permit and lease agreement. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting of August 5, 2020 as presented. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Preliminary Levy Certification
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve the 2021 preliminary levy certification to be set at a ten percent increase from last year resulting in a total of $284,450. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Southwest Minnesota Initiative Foundation
Mayor Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve a $500 investment to Southwest Minnesota Initiative Foundation, as the foundation continually invests in our community. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
CARES Act Funding
Discussion regarding clerk’s window were addressed with Council; plan changing from a roll-up door to a curtain/blind covering for the window, council in favor of change. Clerk’s window will be completed by Harold Grube as Myron Horkey declined giving a bid for the work due to time constraints. Quotes were provided from Computer Lodge for two different laptops that would be used by City office staff in the event of needing to work remotely. Discussion resulted in:
Council Member Swanson moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau to approve the purchase of two Dell Latitude Laptops with 3-year warranty from Computer Lodge for $2,099.90. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve Resolution 2020 – 17, allocating CARES Act funds totaling $3,356.22 as of August 31, 2020. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Fire Department
Mayor Rasche reported that the second concrete approach has been poured, there will be no open house in September, but the Department hopes to have a pancake feed in the spring, and in-person Fire Fighter training classes will be pushed back to December.
Director Joe Liepold reported that the ambulance department is now using Active 911 and has ordered and received PPE. Discussion of training expenses was held, and he stated that he may an additional interested member for the ambulance department.
Joe Liepold reported the following: 1) Lift station pumps have been pulled and serviced; 2) water mains will be flushed the week prior to the water tower being cleaned; 3) Presented a bid from Rogers Construction for repair work on the soffit and facia at the water treatment plant, council tabled repairs for now.
Public Works
John Haberman reported the following: 1) Street patching was completed by Fuller, along with Bargen completing 11 heats (4 storm, 1 sewer, and 6 water); 2) Storm tile project on Chapman is nearing completion, still need two intakes and reseeding of lawn; 3) Discussed 12th street work with engineer and discussed alternative options; 4) Explained existing easements with the well road, will leave as it.
Police Department
Chief Fauglid reported approximately 70 calls in August including barking dog issues. He continues to work with property owners and junk vehicles and has purchased PPE for the police department.
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner to approve the destruction of expired records that include Property/Casualty, Workers Comp, and Liquor Liability Insurance Policies from 2009-2013. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Municipal Liquor Store
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau to approve the Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premises Permit application from Cottonwood County Game & Fish. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Mayor Rasche, to approve the Lease for Lawful Gambling from Cottonwood County Game & Fish to have Pull-Tabs at the Heron Lake Municipal Liquor Store. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Wagner questioned if the parking lot seating area is going to be taken down soon, as it does not seem to be in use. Public Works Director, John Haberman stated that the Liquor Store Manager had requested to wait until mid-September to take the seating area down and he was uncertain what guidelines may be in place regarding indoor seating.
Other Business – No action taken
2019 Audit will be reviewed at October Council Meeting
Summer Recreation report was provided to council for review.
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve payment of claims as presented, totaling $135,335.50. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, to adjourn at 8:21 PM. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Submitted by: Stacy J. Grube, Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 10/7/2020
Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, Wagner