WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2022, 4:30 PM
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Mayor Rasche, with the following Council Members present, Mitchell Ferguson, Glenn Kuhnau, Zach Schumacher, and Carol Wagner.
Others in attendance were City Clerk -Stacy J. Anderson.
Approval of Agenda
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve the agenda, with the additions of a plugged structure on 11th Street and 6th Avenue. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Accept Resignation
Mayor Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to accept the resignation of Taylor Dambroten, effective August 19, 2022. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Deputy Clerk Position
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve offering the Deputy Clerk position to Marlys Olson, starting salary to be $17.00 per hour and a 6-month training period; requesting acceptance August 8, 2022, if declined the position will be reposted. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, and Schumacher, aye; Wagner, nay. Motion carried.
Public Works
Public Works Director John Haberman explained that there was plugged structure on 6th Avenue and 11th Street and requested permission to fix.
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Ferguson, to approve fix the plugged structure on 6th Avenue and 11th Street. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Council Member Ferguson, to adjourn at 4:55 PM. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, Schumacher and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Submitted by: Stacy J. Anderson, Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: September 7, 2022
Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Wagner