WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2020, 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Mayor Rasche, with the following council members present; Glenn Kuhnau, Zach Schumacher, and Danni Swanson. Council member Carol Wagner was absent.
Others in attendance were Lance Baumann, Joe Liepold, Police Chief Tony Fauglid, John Haberman, Tamara Shelton, and Stacy J. Grube.
Approval of Agenda
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve the agenda with the addition of Summer Recreation. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting of July 1, 2020 as presented. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Variance/Zoning Permit – 402 Smith Avenue
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Mayor Rasche, to approve Resolution 2020 – 15, approving the zoning permit and variance of Lance & Leah Baumann to build an addition to their existing garage at 402 Smith Avenue. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Zoning Permit
Mayor Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve the zoning permit of Chad & Melissa Raverty to build a home with a double attached garage at 302 12th Street. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
2019 Audit
City Auditor Danielle Berg was unable to attend the council meeting due to illness but sent the 2019 fund financials for Council review. Any questions or requested changes will be addressed at the regular September council meeting.
Cares Act Funding
Mayor Rasche explained that Heron Lake received $50,629.00 for the Coronavirus Relief Funds. The CARES Act funding is to be used for necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19, for costs not accounted for in the city’s budget, and must occur during the covered period of March 1, 2020 to November 15, 2020.
Discussion was held regarding how the city wanted to disburse these funds. Various options were discussed, including, but not limited to local business assistance, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for city departments including the Fire Department, Ambulance and Police Department, PPE for elections, and a Clerk’s window at city office. Staff was directed to obtain pricing for these options.
Mayor Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve $20,000 for city businesses to apply for an initial allotment of a $1,000 grant, with potential for an increased amount if available. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Heron Lake Young Mens Club
Mayor Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve the lawful gambling application for Heron Lake Young Mens Club to conduct a raffle at their fundraiser to be held on February 13, 2021. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
LMCIT Safety Review
Model forms for yearly drivers’ license checks, accident report forms, and fleet management checklist were reviewed as recommended from the LMCIT Safety Review. Council declined the fleet management checklist recommendation.
Council Member Schumacher moved, seconded by Mayor Rasche, to adopt yearly driver’s license checks for all employees and departments and vehicle accident reports when they occur. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Accept Donation
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, to approve Resolution 2020 -16, accepting a donation from Scott Freking through the Pay it forward Program with Security State Bank, for $100.00 to the Heron Lake Fire Department. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Joe Liepold reported the following: 1) New water line in place to lot on 12th Street; 2) Will be pulling the north industrial well, bid presented from Steffl, will obtain additional bid from Thein and will go with low bid; 3) Water tower cleaning will take place in late August; 4) Sewer blockage on the man hole before the chapman lift station was unplugged and is flowing freely; 5) Will be puling pumps at main lift station to inspect, as well as Chapman pumps.
Public Works
John Haberman reported the following: 1) An unmarked fiber line was found while working on the 10th St NW/Chapman project, requiring a change in location for the storm tile; 2) A rotten park tree was removed and staff asked council to consider taking a few more down and planting new ones; 3) Discussed mowing of J-turns, will contact MnDOT to inquire about extra mowing to improve visibility; 4) Discussion regarding beginning a new compost pile at burn site which involves needing to remove old compost pile; 5) Questioned cleaning out storm ditches in to the marsh.
Police Department
Chief Fauglid reported 50 calls in July including felony terroristic threats. He continues to work with property owners and junk vehicles.
Other Business – No action taken
Fire Department – Mayor Rasche reported that the Fire Department is working on pouring concrete for one of its building’s approaches.
Ambulance – Ambulance Director Joe Liepold reported the following: 1) Ambulance department is looking at the option of going paperless; 2) Will be splitting cost of generator with fire department; 3) New crew member will be testing out in August; 4) Looking at purchasing new computer, docking station, and printer.
Filing Period for Mayor and two (2) Council seats will run through August 11, 2020.
Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve payment of claims as presented, totaling $416,237.61. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Council Member Swanson moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to adjourn at 9:11 PM. Vote on the motion: Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, and Swanson, aye; no nays. Motion carried.
Submitted by: Stacy J. Grube, Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 9/2/2020 Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Swanson, Wagner