Wednesday, August 2, 2023
7:00 PM
Attended by: Mayor Andrew Rasche, Council Member Glen Kuhnau, Council Member Zach Schumacher, Council Member Mark Haberman, Council Member Lance Baumann, Joe Liepold, Paige DeWall, Marlys Olson, John Haberman, Chad Diemer, Mary Kay Schmid & Carol Wagner
7:00 PM – Hearing called to order by Mayor Andrew Rasche
Amendment to Section 9 of the 258 Ordinance will read “Should it be desired by the property owner to discontinue water supplied to their property, notice shall be given to the Heron Lake City Office, but due to ongoing bond obligations, water and sewer base rates will continue to be charged monthly unless property is permanently unoccupied. Permanently unoccupied is defined as no water usage for 12 consecutive months. If the property owner waste the water turned off at the curb stop during absences, disconnect, and reconnect fees will be applied.”
There has been no discussion from the community. Mayor Rasche closed the hearing.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rasche.
Additions to the agenda have been highlighted. Motion made by Council Member Baumann to approve agenda with the additional items as highlighted. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to approve the Minutes of the July 5, 2023, Regular meeting. Seconded by Council Member Haberman to approve agenda. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
PeopleService Operation and Maintenance Agreement
Discussion from Mayor Rasche with getting a quote from another company. This quote would be for $1400.00/month to keep compliance with the State, provide licensing and monthly reporting. It will not cover the day-to-day activities, supplies, or 24-hour coverage that we currently have. Discussion on the PeopleService contract with doing a one-year contract versus the 5-year contract. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to do a one-year contract with PeopleService. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Cellphone Tower
No real updates except we do have a business in town that is willing to have a tower placement on their property.
Background Checks
Discussion on background studies to employees. Police Chief Fauglid has talked with the Jackson County Sheriff to see how this can be done. To get this done a new employee will have to go to Jackson County to have their fingerprints done for the criminal side to be sent to the BCA and while the employee is there, they will have to request a driving history record. After that, all papers will be given to the City Clerk for review by the Police Chief. The fingerprints with the consent form will be sent to the BCA to complete the background check. Employees will not be able to start until that background study is passed by the BCA.
City-Wide Sidewalk Repair
We have had three residents interested in being on a list to have their sidewalks done with hopes of a cheaper price with more residents doing the same thing. List given to Public Works.
Cleaning Schedule
Presented a monthly cleaning schedule for our current cleaning service to check off after completion cleaning duties in the Community Center and the Library.
Resolution 2023-11
Heron Lake Municipal Liquor Store Patrons have collected $191.45 to purchase a new popcorn machine. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to accept this donation. Seconded by Council Member Haberman. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Zoning Permit Application
Zoning Permit Application for 322 12th St for front steps to remove and replace with bigger steps. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to approve this Zoning Permit Application. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Zoning Board
Hearing for variances for 521 10th Street and Lot 10 in Hanson’s 4th Addition. Reviewed minutes of the Zoning Board Meeting on July 24, 2023.
Resolution 2023-12
Variance Application Lot 10 Hanson’s 4th Addition. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to approve this variance. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Resolution 2023-13
Variance application for 521 10th Street. Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to approve this variance. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Resolution 2023-14
Donation from the VanDam Foundation for the Community Center Front door to make it handicapped-accessible. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to accept this donation. Seconded by Council Member Baumann. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Resolution 2023-15
Heron Lake Young Men’s Club has donated $700 to the HL Summer Rec Program. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to accept this donation. Seconded by Council Member Baumann. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
HLBE Easement Proposal
Discussion on the paperwork from Summit Carbon Solutions received for a pipeline easement and an access easement requested by Heron Lake BioEnergy for the purpose of the proposed CO2 pipeline. Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to accept the easement agreements. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Farmland – Cash Rent
Reviewed the contract for Cash Rent of the Farmland that is to be rented by Nick Carlson. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to keep the contract as is. Seconded by Council Member Schumacher. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
ITC Midwest Heron Lake Substation Expansion Project
Council received a packet from ITC to inform of the planned expansion of the existing Heron Lake Substation. Portion of the substation will need to be replaced which would require a minor route alteration.
Senior Citizen’s – Kitchen Freezer
Mary Kay Schmid and Carol Wagner were present to provide information on the replacement of the upright freezer in the Center kitchen that is currently not keeping temp. Schmid went on to say that she has gotten bids for replacement but is wondering if the city would be willing to pay for the disposal of the freezer. Town & Country from Windom was $1050, no delivery charge, $50 disposal; Elite Electric in Windom was $1000 with $90 to haul; Karl’s in Worthington was $850, no charge for delivery but a $50 disposal fee. Discussion on why it is the responsibility of the Senior Citizen’s to purchase when it is used by anyone renting the kitchen. Motion made by Mayor Rasche for the City to purchase an upright freezer from Karl’s with public works taking care of the disposal. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
NHLGP – Lawful Gambling Premises Permit – LG2200
North Heron Lake Game Producers would like approval for the gambling permit for their banquet this Fall. Motion made by Mayor Rasche to sign the Lawful Gambling Premises for the NHLGP. Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Liquor Store Monthly Report – Bridgit Preston, Manager
Manager unable to attend meeting. Council Member Schumacher (also Liquor Commissioner) did an updated report from the manager. Flooring is complete, POS is working good with less errors being reported, had to put old sink in until the plumbing is completed. The air conditioner went down a few weeks ago and was cleaned out and is now working. Manager requested a Cash Track App out of the Clover/POS site. This app would help the staff count the money at the end of their shift.
Ambulance – Monthly Report – Joe Liepold, Director
Went through the Active Shooter Training with Jackson County Sherriff on 7/25/2023. The month of July was slow but has picked up in the last two weeks. There is funding of $26387 for armored radios for the fire, ambulance, and police. No talk on this since June. The Director did purchase a new ditch bag to replace the old clumsy one. This ditch bag can be worn as a backpack to free up hands on a call. Letter presented to Council on the resignation of EMT Pat Hotzler effective 8/1/2023. Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to accept the resignation. Seconded by Council Member Bauman. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.
Fire Department – Monthly Report – Chad Diemer, Fire Chief
Went through the Active Shooter Training with Jackson County Sherriff on 7/25/2023. A Couple calls this month. ISO Interview/Audit went well. One truck will need the pump recertified. Pumps are to be recertified every 24 months. Will get hose pressure testing credit in a few months after the finalization.
PeopleService – Monthly Report – Joe Liepold, Operator
Presented the Operation & Maintenance Report for the past month. Did have an extended power outage (5 hours) with all the back up systems functioning as should have. At the industrial well site, both generators were in use. The water tower had just completed a fill before the outage. That valve fails to open when no power available. The generator at the industrial well site will be serviced the end of July. South well is due to be pulled. Stared flushing hydrants.
PUBLIC WORKS – Monthly Report – John Haberman
Sidewalk at 1122 4th Avenue. Discussion on non-payment after agreement to have sidewalk replaced when the company was doing the neighboring church. The council decided to assess property taxes as non-payment.
Updates on the Streets: Milling machine will be here next Monday. The following Monday they will do the tarring. The next Monday/Tuesday will be the sealcoating. Discussed on how to get the word around to inform the residents.
Falcon Heights Roof: The roof is shedding the sand bad with gutters full. Discussion on to keep an eye on it for next summer.
POLICE DEPARTMENT – Monthly Report – Police Chief Tony Fauglid
Heron Lake Police Report and Jackson County Sheriff’s Report reviewed. Discussion on our Public Nuisance Ordinance and how we can put in it wording about marijuana usage within the city with the new law changes. He said that we should look at making a moratorium to prohibit sale that would give us time to study other cities’ ordinances, issues, etc. through the end of this year. On 8/8/2023, the resident at 102 16th Street will not be complying with the court order to remove the shed and fill in trench. Police Chief will send more information to the city attorney and find out about civil abatement/eminent domain of this property. With the resident at 121 10th St NW, the weeds are getting bad. City staff are unable to mow due to all the stuff within the grass that they are unable to see. Police Chief will talk with this resident to make her go through her yard and clean it up.
Next meeting will be September 6, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
Historic Grant funding to assist urban and community forest management. Presented information from the Minnesota DNR. There is a program presented at the DNR Office in Windom on 8/10. Council Member Schumacher stated that he will try to go to this presentation.
Maternity Leave. City staff presented to the Council on what the plans are when the Deputy Clerk is on maternity leave.
2023 Public Safety Aid
Information on the one-time state aide that was discussed earlier by the Ambulance Director. This funding will be distributed in December 2023. The total to be received is $26,387.
Clerks Academy
Information presented on the Clerks Academy courses through the League of Minnesota Cities. The clerk wishes to go to the Staples Cohort on 9/14 & 9/15. The council approved.
Renters/Neighbors’ Complaints
Discussion on our policy for the Falcon Heights residents. Police Chief Fauglid will address the issues.
Municipal Liquor Store Policy
When the city accountant was here, she talked with the liquor store manager about counting out the till after every shift. Then questioned on what it says in our policy book. The city accountant suggested that we make changes to the policy book regarding the shift duties to make them more specific.
AllPaid Credit Card Payments.
Discussed about a system that we can use to process credit/debit card payments for more than just the utilities. AllPaid is a system that we can have set up for us for free to be able to use for whatever payments that we sign up for. They will come set up and instruct on usage. AllPaid will determine the fee per payment depending on our previous year’s revenues. AllPaid will also go after a bad payment, we would have to do nothing. The council was on board to get this going.
Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to pay all bills presented. Seconded by Council Member Baumann. Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye. No Nays. Motion passed.