Wednesday, June 7, 2023

7:00 PM



                Attended by:  Mayor Andrew Rasche, Council Member Glen Kuhnau, Council Member Zach Schumacher, Council Member Mark Haberman, Council Member Lance Baumann, Joe Liepold, Paige DeWall, Marlys Olson, Mitchell Ferguson, John Haberman, Chad Diemer, Bridgit Preston, Jeremy & Katie Janssen, Dean Ehrenberg



                7:00 PM – Meeting called to order by Mayor Andrew Rasche



                No additions to the agenda.  Motion made by Council Member Schumacher and seconded by Council Member Kuhnau to approve agenda.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.



                Motion made by Mayor Rasche and seconded by Council Member Kuhnau to approve agenda.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.



PeopleService Operation and Maintenance Agreement

Discussion with tabled till next Council Meeting

Cellphone Tower

No updates



Jeremy Janssen – Update of Lots in Hanson’s Fourth Addition

Jeremy Janssen stated that he has purchased 5 lots for $35,000 and wanted to make clarifications after he had received a letter from “The Residents of Smith Avenue”.  He read the letter to the Council that was anonymously written about the concerns of those residents.  He clarified that there will be no low-income funding, no government funding, no cookie cutter building and intends to follow Hanson’s Fourth Addition Covenants and the City Ordinances.


Mutual Aid Agreement – Lakeview Assisted Living

Reviewed the Agreement that was proposed and the Agreement that was signed in 2022 with the help of the City Attorney.  Discussion from the Council was to sign an agreement that follows the 2022 Agreement.  Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to renew the revised 10/11/2022 Agreement.  Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.






Zoning Permit – Gail Hansen/Rebuilding Together Minnesota

The council reviewed the zoning permit for 621 11th Street that was approved by the Zoning Administrator.  Motion made by Council Member Schumacher and seconded by Council Member Kuhnau to approve agenda.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.


City-Wide Sidewalk Repair

There was a family that their father needs repairing some of his sidewalks.  They proposed that if there were others that also wanted to repair their sidewalks, that cost may be cheaper with one company doing several at a time versus individually.  The discussion from the Council was that they attempted this years ago and are willing to attempt it again.  There will be a message put on the water bills to see if there is any interest from the community in replacing their sidewalks.  The council may be willing to have these assessed to the property taxes.

2024 Budget Needs

Reminder to Department Heads to have all their needs ready for working and completing the budget.


Assessments and Rate of Interest

                With the City doing some curb repair, the question was when this is assessed on the property taxes, is it done for a year or more and at what interest rate.  Contacted the Jackson County Assessor Office and they stated that the City can set that rate themselves.  Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to set assessments at 3% for 5 years.  Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.


Heron Lake 2022 Drinking Water Report

                Informed Council that the report was put on our City website and there was information put on the city water bills on how to get that information. 


Update on Tree Grant

                An updated report was sent into the MN DNR for the 2022 Protect Community Forests Grant.


2023 Legislative Recap

                Discussion on all the new bills that were signed and making aware of some of those changes that might affect the city in the future.  The council wants office staff to watch all the updates and report on needed changes.


Background Checks

                Discussion with Ordinance 255 and the need to do background checks on all the city staff.  It is a State Mandate for the Fire Department to get this done.  Discussion was on how in depth you want to go, who should do it, and should it include the liquor store staff and the ambulance crew.  This is tabled until more information is available and to check with the League of Minnesota Cities for their advice.


Revolving Loan Fund

                The council was made aware of a missed payment from one of our RFL patrons.  He was sent a late notice.  The city office will keep the council members aware of payments.



Nena’s Cigarette License Approval

Yolanda Barahona requested to have a Cigarette License to sell e-cigarettes and vapes at her restaurant.  Motion made by Council Member Kuhnau to approve that cigarette license for Nena’s Bar & Grill.  Seconded by Council Member Schumacher.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.


Resolution 2023-09 – Accept Donation for the HL Fire Department

                Received a donation from the Jackson County Conservation League for $500.00 for the Heron Lake Fire Department.  Motion made by Council Member Baumann to accept the donation from the Jackson County Conservation League.  Seconded by Council Member Schumacher.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.


LIQUOR STORE – Monthly Report 

Bridgit Preston, Liquor Store Manager, gave updates on the Municipal Liquor Store.  The Bevly/Clover Point of Sale system is set up and used.  Still must make a few changes and they find the issue.  Discussion on taxes on the item sales and those were all updated. 

Discussion then went to the floors.  Presented the two quotes each from Hammer’s and Carpet Plus to either replace the flooring behind the bar or the whole seating area.  Discussion on the necessity for behind the bar.  Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to accept the bid from Hammer’s for behind the bar and the seating area.  Seconded by Council Member Haberman.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.

                Next matter of concern is the bar sink from Smoking Jakes.  It is all good to get, but, the issue is to find people/truck/trailer to go and get it.


AMBULANCE – Monthly Report

                Joe Liepold, Director presented the monthly report.  11 service calls for May.  EMS week was May 21st to May 27th.  Information was sent to the elementary school for the students for EMS week.  HL Ambulance Service was one of 95 different services that was recognized for EMS Clinical Excellence.  Plans to have ambulance in the parades for Heron Lake and Okabena.


FIRE DEPARTMENT – Monthly Report

                Chad Diemer, Fire Chief stated that they had one call this month.  Physical & Fit testing on June 12th.  Live propane burn June 20th in Okabena are to bring an extra supply tanker.  Will also be at the parades in Heron Lake and Okabena.  HLFD will also be helping with the Caring Connection Pancake Breakfast fundraiser for Dee Henkels on June 25th.  ISO audit, Chad is trying to get a hold of the man in charge so set up a time.  He is supposed to be in the area July 18th.


PEOPLESERVICE – Monthly Report

                Joseph Liepold, Operator presented the Operation & Maintenance Report for the past month.  Letters were sent out to all houses/building in regards to the Lead and Copper Testing of Drinking Water and also an Infrastructure Survey for the residents/owners to fill out.


PUBLIC WORKS – Monthly Report

                John Haberman, Public Works started discussion with the Community Center and that Loosbrock Electric was in last week to install the new heat/smoke sensors and the alarm system. 

                The new tractor and post hole digger were picked up this past Monday from Miller Sellner. 

The new front door of the community center and handicap access.  We are waiting for the Stanley Door opener to be attached and then the electrician will get it hooked up to electricity.  Reviewed Ron’s Electric Bid for this.  Motion made by Mayor Rasche to accept the bid from Ron’s Electric for the Stanley Door opener and two push buttons with the electrical wiring.  Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.

Senior Center Air Conditioner was checked out by Kaufman’s Plumbing, Heating & Cooling.  He recommended a new unit.  Reviewed three different quotes for a new air conditioner.  Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to accept the bid from Brewster Heating & Cooling.  Seconded by Mayor Rasche.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.

Presented a quote from the Mosquito Control of Iowa.  Motion made by Council Member Haberman to accept the quote for mosquito spraying.  Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.

WPA line in Hanson’s Addition found a hole in the tile.  Have Riley’s lined up to look at it.



                Police Chief Tony Fauglid was not in attendance but did present his monthly report for council to view.  Jackson County had their report available for review, also.



                Next meeting will be July 5, 2023 @ 7:00 pm



Motion made by Council Member Schumacher to pay all bills presented.  Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.




Motion made by Mayor Rasche to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm.  Seconded by Council Member Kuhnau.  Vote on the motion Rasche, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Haberman, Baumann – aye.  No Nays.  Motion passed.








Submitted by: _____________________


Approved: ____________________________    

Rasche, Ferguson, Kuhnau, Schumacher, Wagner