HL City Council Mtg Minutes – 05-09-18


WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2018, 7:00 PM


 The hearing was opened by Mayor Freking at 7:00 PM, with the following council members present: Roger FitzHenry, Glenn Kuhnau, Andrew Rasche and Carol Wagner.

Present from the County Assessor’s office were: Jason McCaslin and Kelly Soucek. 

Others in attendance were: Jim Eigenberg, Craig Neinkerk, John Haberman, Fire Chief Chad Diemer, Tamara Shelton and Stacy Grube.

No one from the public was in attendance to ask about their property’s evaluation.  With no comments or questions, Mayor Freking closed the hearing at 7:01 PM. 


The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Mayor Jason Freking, with the following council members present: Roger FitzHenry, Glenn Kuhnau, Andrew Rasche and Carol Wagner.

Also present were: Jim Eigenberg, Craig Neinkerk, John Haberman, Fire Chief Chad Diemer, Tamara Shelton and Stacy Grube.


            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve the agenda as presented.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried. 


            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member FitzHenry, to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2018 council meeting as presented. Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried. 


            Mayor Freking moved, seconded by Council Member FitzHenry, to approve Resolution 2018-9, accepting the following donations: 1) $1,400 from Heron Lake Fire Relief Association to the Heron Lake EMS; 2) $750 from Heron Lake Young Men’s Club  to Heron Lake Summer Recreation; 3) $200 from Margaret Henkels Estate to the Heron Lake Fire Department; 4) $100 from Margaret Henkels Estate to the Heron Lake Library; and 5) $200 from Margaret Henkels Estate to the Heron Lake EMS. Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried.

Zoning Permits

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve the zoning permit of Tracy Nitch to remove shed and replace with a pre-fab shed at 1431 3rd Avenue.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve the zoning permit of Osterberg Funeral Home to demo property at 226 10th Street.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve the zoning permit of Security State Bank to demo properties at 202, 210, and 218 10th Street.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

League of MN Cities Insurance

            Mayor Freking moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve signing the form indicating that the City of Heron Lake does not waive monetary limits on municipal tort liability.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried. 

Curb Stop at Fire Department

            Discussion was held regardingthe repair cost from Stenzel Farm Drainage in the amount of $347.50, for the broken curb stop at the Fire Department. Because the curb stop was improperly installed without a sleeve, it gradually moved above ground, which then resulted in it being hit during snow removal.  Curb stop has been properly repaired with a sleeve to keep it below ground.  

            Council Member FitzHenry moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, for the City of Heron Lake to pay the bill of $347.50 to Stenzel Farm Drainage.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, and Wagner, aye; no nays; Rasche abstained.  Motion carried. 


            The monthly water and sewer reports and warranty issues regarding Heron Lake Wastewater Project were provided to the Council.  Public Works was notified by Joe Liepold that the alarms were going off at the lift station.  The pump modules at the lift station had blown.  The modules were pulled and the Lift Station started working on back-up power.  New modules were ordered, and were scheduled to arrive on 5/10/2018.        

Public Works

            Director John Haberman and Craig Neinkerk discussed the storm tile issues on 17th Street.  An estimate was presented to the Council that would involve installing structures to allow for easier inspection of the storm sewer in the future. 

            Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to proceed with installing a six foot access and two 36” manholes on the 12” storm sewer on 17th Street.  Vote on the motion; FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

John also reported on the following; 1) The intake on the WPA line being washed out in the east side, and that he will have this checked out further; 2) The 110 box for the fountain is broken off, and will be looked into further; 3) The tractor should be finished with repairs this week; 4) Mulch pile at the dump will be started over; 4) Clean-up of the City Park was discussed.

Police Department

            Monthly reports were provided to the Council.  A possible addition to the current parking ordinance was provided to the Council.  Council tabled the addition, requesting more descriptive wording. 

At the request of Chief Fauglid, staff discussed the police department being able to purchase a new television for the office. 

Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve the purchase of a television with the limit of $250 for the police department.  Vote on the motion; FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.


            Staff provided an update on the monetary amounts regarding the defibrillators.  Council was informed that the Heron Lake Fire Relief donated $1400 towards the defibrillators and the cost of the defibrillators was $6,240.88. 

Liquor Store

            A request was made for the purchase of 2 Roku boxes and installation at the Liquor Store.

            Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve the purchase and installation of two Roku boxes at the Liquor Store.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried. 

Voluntary Dental Insurance

            Staff requested permission to make payroll deductions for employees to pay for their own dental insurance on a voluntary basis.

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve employee paid payroll deductions for voluntary dental insurance. Vote on the motion: Fitzhenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried.

Other Business

            Council was notified that the Auditor would be at City Hall on May 10 & 11, and presenting at the June Council Meeting. The Council was also notified of the SMBS Open House on May24, 6 – 8 PM at the Heron Lake Community Center Senior Room. 


            Council Member FitzHenry moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve claims as presented totaling $141,166.71.  Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried.  


            Mayor Freking moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to adjourn at 8:30 PM. Vote on the motion: FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, and Wagner, aye; no nays, Rasche abstained.  Motion carried.

Submitted by:  Stacy J. Grube, Clerk/Treasurer


FitzHenry, Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Wagner