HL City Council Mtg Minutes – 01-02-19


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jason Freking, with the following council members present; Glenn Kuhnau, Andrew Rasche, Danni Swanson and Carol Wagner.

Others in attendance were Jim Eigenberg, Jerry Christopherson, Jerry Wagner, Diana Madsen, Joe Liepold, Police Chief Anthony Fauglid, Fire Chief Chad Diemer, Willie Kaufman, John Haberman, Tamara Shelton and Stacy J. Grube.

Approval of Agenda

             Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve the agenda with the addition of accepting a donation to the Fire Department, and discussion regarding streets.  Voteon the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; nonays. Motion carried.

 Approval of Minutes

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Rasche, to approve the minutes of the Special Work Session for 2018 Budget on December 4, 2018 and the Truth in Taxation Hearing/Council Meeting of December 5, 2018, as presented. Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

 Oaths of Office

Mayor Freking and Council Members Swanson and Wagner affirmed the following oath of office: “I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that I will discharge faithfully the duties of the office in the County of Jackson, the State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgment and ability.”

Organization of the City

            Meeting Dates           

            Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve the meeting dates of the first Wednesday of every month as presented. Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.


Filling empty assignments are:

Liquor Store                            Danni Swanson

Tree Committee                      Jason Freking

Industrial Water                      Andrew Rasche

Revolving Loan                        Roger FitzHenry, Representative at Large

            Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve Resolution 2019-01, setting appointments as presented with the following appointments to empty assignments; Liquor Store, Danni Swanson; Tree Committee, Jason Freking; Industrial Water, Andrew Rasche; Revolving Loan, Roger FitzHenry.  Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche and Swanson, aye; Wagner, nay.  Motion carried. 

Fee Schedule

Changes made for 2019 include;

City Services:   Back Hoe – $100/hour, Street Sweeping – $100

Community Center Rentals:  Large Hall, per hour (3 hour minimum) – $70.00,

Wedding Package – $500.00, Senior Citizen room, per hour (3 hour minimum) – $20.00

Mileage:  IRS Rate – $.58

Utilities: Sewer, flat rate – $46.64

Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve Resolution 2019-2, approving the fee schedule with the changes listed above.  Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.


            Diana Madsen presented information to Council regarding the Stay Active & Independent for Life program and requested to be able to use the Heron Lake Library twice weekly for the program to be able to continue in our community. 

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner to approve the SAIL program to use the library twice weekly for community classes.  Vote on the motion:  Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried. 

Liquor Store

             Liquor Store manager Willie Kaufman spoke with Council regarding streaming issues for television at the Liquor Store, stating that with the changes recently made within SMBS he plans to wait a short period of time to check for improvements before switching to adifferent provider. 


            Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve signing the engagement letter for the 2018 audit to be conducted by Danielle Berg of Richard W. Holmberg,LTD.  Vote on the motion:  Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner,aye; no nays.  Motion carried.  

Southwest Regional Development Commission

             Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve signing the agreement for revolving loan services at the rate of $90 per hour with SRDC. Vote on the motion:  Freking, Kuhnau, Swanson and Wagner, aye; Rasche, nay. Motion carried. 


            The free Wi-Fi hotspot ended as of January 2nd.  Wi-Fi is still available to those renting the Community Center with the password available at the City Office.  

Fire Department

Chief Diemer reported that officers elected as stated in the Organizational Appointments include:  Chad Diemer, Chief; Andrew Rasche, First Assistant Chief; Anthony Johnson, Second Assistant Chief; Leo Schmidt, Secretary. 

Page 3.  Heron Lake City Council Minutes, January 2, 2019

Mayor Freking moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve the application of Joe Liepold for the Heron Lake Fire Department.  Vote on the motion:  Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried.


              Joe Liepold reported the following; 1) Reviewed his monthly report and informed Council that a year-end review will be available at City Office in the near future; 2) Informed Council that Heron Lake will be included in the discount package with OmniSite;  3) Talked about frozen water line to Brewster.

Public Works

              John Haberman reported the following; 1) A tenant at Falcon Heights would like a ceiling fan installed, Council directed staff to check lease; 2) Storm ditch is moving well; 3) Skids for the plow truck were discussed, Council directed staff to check with Jackson County and Crysteel regarding options for skids. 

Police Department

            Chief Fauglid reviewed his monthly report and stated that December was quiet with the majority of calls being traffic related or public assists.  Chief Fauglid also stated that crime has been lower, Officers have been completing required training which included night training, and more comprehensive report will be available next month. 

Accept Donation

            Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Mayor Freking, to approve Resolution 2019-3, accepting a donation from Independent School District 330 for $200.00 to the Heron Lake Fire Department.  Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays.  Motion carried. 

Other Items Discussed, No Action Taken

            Council Member Wagner discussed her concerns of seeing semi-trucks driving on City streets and the possible damage that can be done to streets. 


            Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Kuhnau, to approve payment of claims as presented, totaling $504,676.04. Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.                               


             Council Member Kuhnau moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to adjourn at 8:09 PM. Vote on the motion: Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Submitted by:  Stacy J. Grube,


Freking, Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson, Wagner