WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019, 7:00 PM

The hearing was opened by Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau, with the following council members present: Andrew Rasche, Danni Swanson and Carol Wagner.

Present from the County Assessor’s office were: Jason McCaslin, Heidi Moss and Laura Rossow.

Others in attendance were: Jerry Wagner, Wayne Rasche, Jim Eigenberg, Joe Liepold, Police Chief Anthony Fauglid, John Haberman, Fire Chief Chad Diemer, Tamara Shelton and Stacy Grube.

Jackson County Assessor Jason McCaslin gave a presentation on the 2019 Assessment, which was a review of Agricultural, Commercial and Residential market changes and assessment statistics. Jason McCaslin stated that there were 6 sales in the study period and a 9.65% increase was applied to building values in Heron Lake.

Wayne Rasche questioned if the value of less than desirable properties play a role in lowering value of other properties in the same vicinity. Jason McCaslin stated until sales impacts are shown, other home values would not be affected.

With no further questions, Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau closed the hearing at 7:25 PM.


The meeting was called to order at 7:25 PM by Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau, with the following council members present; Andrew Rasche, Danni Swanson and Carol Wagner.

Others in attendance were Jerry Wagner, Wayne Rasche, Jim Eigenberg, Joe Liepold, Police Chief Anthony Fauglid, John Haberman, Fire Chief Chad Diemer, Tamara Shelton and Stacy J. Grube.

Approval of Agenda

                Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve the agenda with the addition of Library sidewalk water concerns and Industrial Wells. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes

                Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Rasche, to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting of March 6, 2019, as presented. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Accept Donations           

                Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve Resolution 2019-55, accepting the following donations: 1) $2,000 from Laura Steen Trust by David Steen to the Heron Lake Library; 2) $100 from Jerry Christopherson to the Heron Lake EMS; 3) $3,000 for an Extractor Washer from SWIF/HL-O Community Foundation to the Heron Lake Fire Department, Heron Lake EMS and Okabena Fire Department; 4) $500 from Back 40 Wireless to the Heron Lake Fire Department. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Farm Land Lease

                Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve rent for the 2019 crop season to remain at $175 per acre for the 6.592 acres by Hanson’s 4th Addition and to sign the Farm Land Lease Agreement with Scott Freking. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

HLBE Street Sweeper Contract

                Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve the one year Street Sweeper Agreement with Heron Lake BioEnergy, LLC. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.


Council Member Wagner brought concerns from the Library Board of the water pooling issues at the entrances to the library sidewalks when snow melts. Concerns were noted by the Council; and it was explained that the water is running where it needs to and excess snow melting will cause water issues. Public Works will continue to monitor.

Library Lift – Access Elevator Agreement

                Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to approve a one year preventative maintenance agreement with Access Elevator & Lifts, Inc. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.  

Ordinance – Good Neighbor Issues

Tabled until next council meeting.


                Council Member Swanson moved, seconded by Pro-Tem Mayor Kuhnau, to approve Resolution 2019 – 6, amending Resolution 2019 – 2, to add the sale of Sand/Salt for $60/Ton to the 2019 Fee Schedule. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Wellfield Water

Tabled until next council meeting.

City Park Hydrant

Discussion was held on the broken water hydrant in the City Park. Hydrant is to be replaced.


Joe Liepold left the meeting prior to giving his report; however, Council received copies of his report. Council Member Rasche briefly discussed the one access line into town for RRRW.

Public Works

John Haberman reported the following: 1) He has been approached regarding selling excess dirt/fill at the burn site, council agreed giving small amounts is acceptable; 2) Council agreed to have PW work with Mathiowetz Construction regarding fill being brought to burn site; 3) He reported that the push box belonging to Council Member Rasche was used by the City four times this year, and inquired about compensation. Council Member Rasche stated that he is not requesting to be reimbursed; 4) Storm line on Chapman is not working and needs attention on 9th and Chapman, and would like to camera it when the water levels go down.      

Police Department

Chief Fauglid reviewed his monthly report and stated that March yielded 58 calls, which included a fraudulent check at a local business. Chief Fauglid reported that 2 part timers have resigned, 2 new part timers are being backgrounded and that he is currently working with 13 properties regarding junk vehicles.  

Fire Department

Fire Chief Chad Diemer reported that the Fire Relief Association recently held their quarterly meeting. Investments were reviewed and they are still looking into turn out gear. Chief Diemer recommended a Fire Department member application to Council for approval.

                Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Rasche, to approve the application of Zachary Schumacher for the Heron Lake Fire Department. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Industrial Wells

Council Member Rasche informed Council that the Industrial Water Distribution Agreement with MnSP and HLBE continue to be worked on. Decisions will be need to be made regarding length of contract and a percentage split based on water usage.

Other Business

Council was informed that the Liquor Store will be replacing 6 barstools.

                MnDOT will be closing Highway 60 once the county Road 9 J-turn is completed to allow community members to practice driving on the newly installed J-turn.


                Council Member Wagner moved, seconded by Council Member Swanson, to approve payment of claims as presented, totaling $156,450.89. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays; Rasche, abstained. Motion carried.                                         


                Council Member Rasche moved, seconded by Council Member Wagner, to adjourn at 8:45 PM. Vote on the motion: Kuhnau, Rasche, Swanson and Wagner, aye; no nays. Motion carried.

Submitted by: Stacy J. Grube
